
Why am I starting this blog?  I guess I just need a place to express myself.  I used to love creating things and enjoying the arts.  But then adulting became necessary and kids came into the picture.  I no longer really had the time or energy to do the things I loved.

One day, I realized the lack of having a creative outlet was hurting me.  I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I knew I was lacking motivation.  I was always tired. I couldn’t remember the last time I really enjoyed myself.  Much like the flight attendants tell you, you must give yourself oxygen first before you can be of help to anyone else.  And I wasn’t.  I so busy trying to help everyone first, that I was slowly suffocating.

That’s when I decided to start doing something for me.  And only me.  I love to craft.  But I am also pragmatic and cheap.  Things created just to cause clutter causes me stress.  Who needs 28 tumblers or 15 “sip and paint” canvases?  Or buy a 100ft of ribbon to make one bow? Plus, I am not one of those people who would rather spend $722 and 6 hours to make something I could buy for $20. Add in the fact that I have a full-time job and a family, I don’t have a lot of time to myself.  The things I make need to be simple.

That is when the idea came to me.  What if I could make things I (and others) really wanted?  What if I could challenge myself to keeping it affordable?  What if I could make sure I didn’t have tons of leftover material by having parties where everyone can make one too and use it up?  And who doesn’t love a themed party – BYOB!

That is when I decided to start making $5 creations and blogging about it.  All the crafts on this website will cost on average around $5 each.  Sometimes a little more, sometimes less.  There will be times that all the supplies just for you will be $5. Other times, you might need to split the cost with friend to get it down to $5 per craft – can you say Paaaaaarty.  And sometimes you might need that friend to own a Cricut! Just saying……

Now, let’s create something!


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