Wine Bottle Birdfeeder Update

Oy vay! Disclaimer! I said my bird feeder was a prototype. Well, it failed. Sort of. I didn't plan for the torrential downpours we get or that I had it in such as open place. Basically, the shot glass would fill up with water and couldn't drain. It started to grow grass and it smelled like a$$. Therefore, I took out the shot glass but I had to do something to keep the bird feed in.  

So I bought a $2 piece of thin wood and cut it in pieces. 

Then I used Gorilla Glue to glue them to the sides to make a holder for the seed.

Then I painted it the same color and hung it out again. I might need to lower the bottle some since its still overflowing a bit or I might need a few drain holes; but fingers crossed the water drains out of my not so tight seems. I will keep you posted!


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